Spread of Drug Among Children and Adolescents

Until now, the spread of drugs is almost unavoidable. Given the almost the entire population of the world can easily get drugs from the individuals who are not responsible.For example, from drug dealers who prey areas like schools, discos, where prostitution, and gang gathering places. Of course this can make for parents, organizations, governments worried about the spread of drugs that are so willing to reign.Any drug eradication efforts have often done, but still less likely to avoid drugs among adolescents and adults, even children of primary and junior high school that fall was a lot of drugs. Until now the most effective efforts to prevent drug abuse in children is from family education. Parents are expected to supervise and educate their children to always stay away from drugs.Under the terms of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which also agreed to Indonesia in 1989, every child's right to reproductive health information (including HIV / AIDS and drugs) and are protected physically and mentally. But the reality of the current conflict with the agreement, have found children aged 7 years there has been a kind of inhalant drugs (inhaled vapors). Children aged 8 years had used cannabis, and then at the age of 10 years, children are using drugs of various kinds, such as inhalant, marijuana, heroin, morphine, ecstasy, and so forth (BNN research in collaboration with the University of Indonesia).Based on data from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), cases of drug use by players with an elementary education level by the year 2007 amounted to 12 305. This data is very worrying because with increased drug cases (particularly among youth and children, the spread of HIV / AIDS is increasing and threatening. Spread of drugs becomes increasingly easy for elementary school children have also started to experiment smoking. Not infrequently the drug dealers to infiltrate addictive substances (substances that cause addiction effect) into the hand-rolled tobacco.This confirms that the current protection of children from the dangers of drugs is still not effective enough. Although the government in the Child Protection Act No. 23 of 2002 in article 20 is stated that the State, government, communities, families, and parents obliged and responsible for the implementation of child protection (see more on the Child Protection Act). However, the protection of children from drugs is still far from expectations.Drugs is a critical and complicated issue that can not be solved by only one party only.Because the drug is not just an individual problem but for everyone. Finding the right solution is a big job involving and mobilizing all stakeholders from government, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities. It is very important to work together in order to protect children from the dangers of drugs and provide a useful alternative activities along with explaining to the children about the dangers of drugs and the negative consequences they will receive.Children need the information, strategies, and the ability to prevent them from the dangers of drugs or also reduce the impact of drug dangers of drug use from others. One effort in overcoming the dangers of drugs is to do a program that focuses on school-age children (school-going age oriented).In Indonesia, the more rapid development of a drug addict. The drug addicts were generally aged between 11 to 24 years. It means that age is the age or ages of students.At first, students are taking drugs usually begins with the introduction of smoking.Because of this habit seems to have become the norm among students today. Of this habit, the association continues to increase, especially when the students were merged into the environment of people who have become drug addicts. At first try, and then addicted.

tips after eating goat meat

Tips When Eating Meat Goat - I soon felt Eid sacrifice. Has become a tradition after the sacrifice takes place each family will serve all-beef dishes to be eaten together, including processed meats kambing.Aneka of goat meat is much in demand, especially by men.Many believe that goat meat can increase sexual vitality.
But besides these positive effects, meat goats also have a negative impact, which can increase body fat and increase blood pressure. Especially if the person has a history of high blood pressure / blood pressure is due to hipertensi.Naiknya goat meat has a very high calorific value. For example if goat meat is processed into satay, the resulting caloric value of 150 calories, if a curry at 125 calories, and when made into soup just 35 calories.
Tips When Eating Meat GoatTo reduce the negative effects on goat meat, consider the following tips:
Choose the Right ProcessedAs mentioned above, the best option for lamb meat processing is to make it a soup / soup. The number of calories in goat soup because less additional water and vegetable soup that existed at the goat.
Consumption of Vegetables and FruitEating a variety of vegetables are recommended after eating goat meat. Vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, and carrots are the best choice. Fruits can also offset the amount of calorie intake.
Do not eat fats and sweetsIn addition to consuming fruit and vegetables, you should not eat goat meat with white fat, and reduce sweet foods such as syrups and cake.
Do the Light SportDo a little exercise after eating goat meat can burn calories and fat. Select a sport such as cycling and jog.
Hypertension? Do not Eat GoatIf you have a history of hypertension or high blood it is not advisable to consume goat meat, because it can be fatal for your blood pressure.
In addition to a variety of tips that have Health Blog outlined above, to lower high blood pressure after eating goat meat, please read the article on traditional medicine for high blood.May be useful.

Fruit Goji Berry Benefits to Your Health

Benefits of Goji Berry - In recent years a variety of fruit juice goji berry ads adorn the crowded screen. They claim that their products are made ​​from goji berry fruit is rich in anti oxidants. Really? Many Indonesian people are not familiar with goji berry fruit. It is not the goji berry is native to Indonesia. Goji berry is well known and widely cultivated in China, Japan, Tibet, USA, Thailand, Vietnam, and India. So what are the health benefits of goji berry? Berry goji berries contain nutrients that are very diverse, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, energy, minerals, amino acids, and various vitamins and phenolic pigments associated with anti-oxidants. Many health benefits derived from the fruit of the goji berry, which can lower cholesterol, boost the immune system, delay the aging process, increase sexual vitality, reduce headaches, insomnia, nausea during pregnancy, help you lose weight, increase fertility, help overcome the uric acid, dry cough resolve, strengthen eyesight, and strengthens muscles, bones and teeth. To obtain the benefits of goji berry fruit, you can eat fruit goji berry juice is a way. May be useful.

Tips How to Win at Office of the Conflict

Often you prefer to avoid conflict or to end the debate with a hot heartFor example,when undergoing perdebataran endless with co-workersSmall problems become big,big problem and settles in the chest for days, weeks, or even have a 'chronic disease'with no resolutionEnded with a grunt of dissatisfaction and discuss it at lunch timeIn factalthough it is important confrontationbut confrontation is not necessary to drag on.'Warwith colleagues in the boardroom to make your argument more sharplythe idea of ​​developing and mature selfSothe problem is not the war itselfbut how do you startrunand end the war with eleganceHere are tips on how to win the conflict in the office:

1. Master the problemYou will not be able to maintain let alone develop the idea of ​​a problem if not controlled properlyAlso mastered the supporting data and other mattersrelated to the issue you raiseSoin this casewhere the data is very important.

2Understand Opposition. You need to identify ways of thinking of the other person.Know well what he was persoalkanWho knowsit turns out you both were not in 'theopposite', but just different perspectives.

Tips Stay Healthy When Eating Junk Food

Junk Food or Fast Food is a model of food that can be served quickly, making it practical for consumption especially for people who have high kesibukkan. The form of junk food consists of several types, namely Fried Chicken, Burger or French Fries. Many sources say that junk food is more food to bring 'harm' rather than 'benefits' for the body. But there are powerful tips to keep you healthy while eating Junk Food:

1. Start the day with a healthy breakfast at home with a menu of fruit juice, low fat milk, yogurt, cereals high in fiber and fresh fruit pieces. This menu will help reduce the desire to eat fatty foods.

2. If you like Fried Chicken, discard the skin which is a source of saturated fat and cholesterol.

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